Hi Guys,
I wanted to create this quiz blog a long time back. But unfortunately, work @ Microsoft has kept me very busy. SO finally i managed to create a quiz blog. Happy quizzing ...
Please send in your answers to sudharscool@yahoo.com
1) Identify this Doodle which was displayed recently and tell me the unique thing about this Doodle which caused a controversy ?
Ans : Valentine’s Day doodle.
Controversy :- There is no “L” in it. It reads as ‘Googe’. Googleblog later confirmed that it was NOT a mistake. But “those with true romance and poetry in their soul will see the subtlety immediately”. Notice the small L in green color on top of the strawberry J
2) In 1895, as holders of the FA Cup, this team put the trophy on display in the window of a sports shop. The Cup was stolen and was never recovered. Hence, they were labeled as "The Villains". Identify the team.
Ans : Aston Villa (a.k.a the VILLAINS )
3) Nintendo's 'Mario' is one of the best known video game characters.
Who was Mario named after ? ?
Ans : Mario was named after Ninetendo’s landlord Mario Segale who was an Italian.
4) tangible item/service: price,
tangible item/service: price,
tangible item/service: price,
intangible item/concept: priceless.
What are the above lines ? (Clue : think Corporate, think Money)
Ans: Master Card
5) Identify the Company and its headquarters...?
Ans : Microsoft (Redmond HQ)
6) In the Internet lingo, if someone advised you to 'RTFM', what is he telling you to do?
Ans : Read The Fucking Manual. :)
7) Which drink was named by its inventor after rejecting the first six names that were offered?
Ans : 7 UP
8) What is Spanish for a "tall pole"?
Ans : Palo Alto (a.ka. Silicon Valley, california!)
9) A sitter... Identify the dudes and the organization they started..?
Ans : Infosys
10) This was created by X, Richard Curtis and Robin Driscoll with X playing the lead and started on 1st January 1990. An electrical engineer with degrees from Newcastle and oxford universities, how do we better know X as?
Ans : The unimitable Mr.Bean (a.k.a Rowan Atkinson )
11) Identify this place.
Ans: Guantanamo Bay , Cuba
12) He shares his first name with a character in "Peanuts". Who am I talking about?
Ans : Linus Torvalds
13) Whose Logo is this ?
Ans: Indian Railways
14) What do psychologists define as ‘a disorder in which strongly felt ethical and altruistic impulses are perpetually warring with extreme sexual longing often of a perverse nature?
15) Many objects in India are trademarked with the ISI stamp. What is trademarked ISI No.1?
Ans: The Indian National Flag !
Adios amigos,