Monday, October 01, 2007

Quiz # 6

Vanakkam 'Quizzers',

This Quiz is a mind-boggling one. All the best in cracking it !
Please send in your answers to

Happy quizzing,


1) “You can learn all you ever need to know about the competitor's operation by looking in his garbage cans.

Who said this famous quote ?

Ans : Ray Kroc ( Founder of McDonalds )

2) Tyldesley's commentary on Solksjaer's goal is famous among X fans for its direct nature:

"Beckham... into Sheringham... and Solskjær has won it!" Tyldesley again followed this with the exclamation, "X have reached the Promised Land."

Identify X ! :)

Ans : Manchester United - The Greatest football team on earth… :)

3) Identify this Dude . [ Clue: Think computers. Think Programming.... ]

Ans : Microsoft’s very own Anders Hejlsberg – Creator of C# !! ( Many people have spotted him in our cafeteria ! )

4) The _____ web site was created in 1996 by X and Y to host their advanced system utilities and technical information and Microsoft acquired _____ in July, 2006.

Identify ___ and X , Y ( Clue : ___ = X + Y ) . Maths :D

Ans :, Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell.

5) In the (all-too familiar) world of computer programming, what are Camel-casing and Pascal-casing?

Ans : camelCasing , PascalCasing

6) My 1st Video Quiz question ... !!!! yippeeee....

Which company/product is being advertised here.. ?

Ans : Apple PC


"Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my ………”.

Complete it to get the name of the Academy award winning movie based on a real life event.

Ans : Chariots of Fire !

8) Born to wealthy parents in Lithuania in 1938. His father was a count, his mother a descendant of theVisconti family in Milan. His family was killed by the Nazis, and he was the lone survivor. In 1970’s he started his psychiatric practice in Baltimore, Maryland. He is described as being short with maroon colored eyes and 6 fingers on his left hand. He has the habit of tilting his head to one side while listening, and his former caretaker Barney Jackson spotted him last in Buenos Aires in 1993. Identify !!

Ans : Dr. Hannibal Lecter ( Trivia : From the movies ‘Red Dragon’, ‘Silence of the Lambs’ and ‘Hannibal’ )

9) Connect these two pics ....

Ans: Morpheus (God of Dreams + Lawrence Fishburn playing Morpheus in the Matrix movie)

10) March 2007, Mexico, in an attempt to lower the amount of weapons on the street, offered an X to anyone who turned in a weapon.

Name X.

Ans: Microsoft XBOX.

11) This ancient city was developed in a lotus-like formation with a temple at the centre and the streets layered one after the other in a concentric manner. The streets were named after the months in the Tamil calendar. According to legend, on the day the city was to be named, Lord Shiva blessed the land and the people and divine nectar showered on the city from his matted locks. The city, thus, came to be named _________, meaning ‘The Land of Divine Nectar’.

Often referred to as the ‘Athens of the East’, how we do know this city today ??

Ans: Madurai. The blank is ‘Madhurapuri’.

12) Identify ! [ Clue : "Hello, hello yaar pesardhu? Nee dhaan da pesurah ! " ]

Ans: Arun Sarin (CEO of Vodafone)

13 ) My last question for this post. Connect these 3 snaps.

Ans: Ayrton Senna, Roland Ratzenberger , Williams F1 team logo.

Both died in the same crash in 1994 at San Marino Grand Prix. Senna was driving for Williams-F1.

Trivia : Roland died the previous day during Qualification, whereas Senna died during the actual Grand Prix race. In the wreckage of Senna’s racing car they found a furled, bloodsoaked Austrian flag. A victory flag that he was going to raise as he won the race, in honor of Austrian Roland Ratzenberger, who had died on that track the day before.

All the best machans... :)
-- Sudar